
There's a moment in Unzipped, near the end, during the fashion show. A swarm of attendants are getting Linda Evangelista into an outfit before she has to hit the runway. The camera is right in her face, shooting her profile from her left. Just before she heads out, she turns and faces the camera for about three seconds, staring straight into the lens with a look of's a look that says everything about why she's on that side of the camera and you're on the other.
After seeing that movie the first time (it's a documentary about fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi), I decided that everyone needs a few supermodels and flamboyant fashion designers as friends. I still believe that, despite not knowing any.

From Underoos to thongs

Humorous flap over new thong underwear for 10 year olds, from Abercrombie and Fitch. Most humorous is the quote from company spokesperson Hampton Carney, stating that styles like the graphic thong are targeted at the same market once targeted for Underoos. Or the statement that the smallest size is merely a medium, as if that means anything for a thong.